Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Accenture's Top-10 List for Employee Engagement

I found that Accenture’s Human Performance service line has considered how employee engagement affects profit, productivity, and innovation. They have found a direct relationship between employee engagement and profit, productivity, and innovation. Accenture’s analyses have shown that the higher an organization scores on the ten areas below, the higher the employee engagement rating.
  • Recognition and rewards must be linked to job and business performance
  • Hr systems must provide managers with the information they need
  • Learning opportunities for current and future positions must be available
  • Provide tools for staff to find the information they need to perform their jobs
  • Frequent and effective performance appraisals must be provided
  • High-performance physical workplace must be created
  • Significant changes in the organization must be communicated to reduce their impact on morale and performance
  • Pay attention to each employee’s career planning and development
  • HR policies must be fair for all staff members
  • Recruit individuals with the same goals as the organization

Does this look like a complete list to you? What about trusting one’s manager? What about having a good working relationship with one’s boss? I once read that an employee always joins a company, but always leaves a boss. I think a person’s relationship with his manager carries a lot of weight. Where is that topic in the Accenture’s list?

What do you think?


  1. Jeff,
    Thanks for an interesting read. Curious as to what companies you feel are really implementing Employee Engagement and have designated people doing it and nit just HR professionals who are taking on the title of EE experts because it is the flavor of the month.

  2. I am not yet convinced that employee involvement is implemented at a company level. I tend to see pockets of it within the charge of a good leader. HR departments seem to do well at helping management to become aware of employee engagement and its potential benefits, not necessarily implementing employee engagement.

    In the many organizations that I have seen during my own consulting experience, I have witnessed some strong areas of employee engagement, but not whole companies. These areas existed within the scope of responsibility of a good leader. Companies can support employee engagement by implementing policies that do not conflict with a leader's ability to create a sense of ownership. I have received several comments proposing that employee engagement is simply a matter of good leadership.

    I wish I could suggest a list of companies implementing employee engagement. It might be easier to provide a list of names of leaders where employee engagement is present. Great question though.
